Breaking a Bad Habit

For Lent, I decided to give up almonds. I know! Everyone is thinking I’m crazy since it’s a cancer-fighting food, full of omega-3’s, etc., but hear me out.  I have been abusing a good thing.  I take advantage of their small size, long shelf-life, ability to fit in my purse/car/pockets/wallet, and nutrient-dense quality.  I eat them like they’re popcorn, just shoving them in my mouth by the handful (like this happy kid pictured below! lol!).  I estimate that I’ve been caught eating about 5 handfuls of 6 almonds while waiting at a stop-light.  I’m embarrassed to say this, but my jaw hurts if I’m in traffic too long! And so, here is the math:

Bad Eating Habit

1 dry roasted, unsalted almond = 7 calories (0.6g of Fat)

(5 handfuls) x (6 almonds in each handful) = 30 almonds

30 almonds x 7 calories = 210 Calories (18g of Fat), in 1 stop-light!

This must come to an end…


I knew I had to re-train my habits to limiting myself to only 1 handful a day.  Thus, my decision to give them up for Lent and break the habit, cold-turkey.

Lent is 40 days, and to break a habit (theoretically) takes 21 days.  This theory first originated in the 1970’s in a book called, “Psycho-Cybernetics”, where it was believed that if you repeat a behavior often enough, those synaptic pathways are going to get worn in because the human brain is a very adaptive piece of machinery. So giving myself 40 days to break a habit is more than enough time to change my ways.

If you have a bad habit like mine, whether it’s soda or chips or almonds, take ACTION, and CHALLENGE yourself to give it up for 21 days.  After the 21 days, your cravings should lessen.  (Of course, everyone’s body is different, so you may need more or less time depending on the habit and your personality).

My cravings for almonds have subsided through this Lent, and I can proudly say I have not cheated yet.  Easter is around the corner, and I’m not looking forward to them as much as I thought I would!  I’ve learned to snack on healthier, less dense items like carrots or apples.  And as I recognize my weakness for them, I will bring them back into my diet after Lent with caution. I will not abuse a good thing.





Jacquelyn Umof

I hope you enjoyed that. I love being able to connect with you over something that I'm so passionate about. Everyday I workout and stretch, and I hope to inspire you to do the same, even if it's just 15 minutes. Live the life of your dreams, and keep your body where your soul lives healthy. Remember that you workout because you love your body, not because you're trying to change it. Please check-in and leave a comment below so I know that you've read it, and let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. BJ Curry

    Dear Jacquelyn,

    Could you post a list of healthy snacks to eat on-the-run (or at my work desk)? I have been snacking on homemade trail mix (with almonds in it), but sometimes my taste buds get bored & need more stimulation. It would be so helpful if you comprised a list healthy snack ideas or even healthy (easy-to-make) recipes. I’ve found that Clementines are a good snack for someone like myself, because you have to work a little bit to get the fruit outside of its peel, thus slowing consumption down. Keep up the great work!


  2. Winnie P.

    Hey there Action Jacquelyn!

    First off, let me tell you what a fan I am of your blog. I’ve been working on some of your fitness tips, spending an hour each day running through the forest with my friends, but I still can’t seem to drop any weight.

    I fear my inability to tone and sculpt may be due to a bad habit of my own. I eat Hunny like you can’t believe. I can’t even laugh at it anymore. I’ll easily finish a 40 oz jug in one sitting. At 86 calories per ounce, that’s almost 3,500 calories!

    It’s affecting my relationships as well. I wouldn’t care to admit how many times my friends have come across me on a sunny afternoon, passed out in the fetal position under an oak tree; paw in jar, sticky fur and covered with bee stings.

    Do you have any suggestions for me. I need help!

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