A “fitness profile” interview with me!

Fitness Profile: Jacquelyn

How did you prepare for auditions this summer?
This is a tricky question because I’ve been preparing for the audition my whole life. What I mean by this is that I have been taking dance classes since I was 5 years of age. Also, I’ve been eating healthy and exercising my whole life. My parents always kept healthy food around the house and stressed a healthy lifestyle. I knew that the audition was going to be a long, intense day. So to prepare, I extended my runs, took more dance classes and did 25 minutes of core work everyday leading up to the audition. In addition, I tried to stay away from processed foods and refined sugars and upped my intake of greens and water. I felt strong and in shape at the audition, which also helped me feel more confident. I guess it worked! ☺

What other styles of dance do you do outside of rehearsals to maintain your skills?
I take ballet classes to keep my foundation of dance solid. I feel so energized after taking a ballet class because it’s a fantastic workout for your body. You tone, lengthen and strengthen your legs, arms, back and core. I also take jazz and hip-hop classes. I love taking salsa classes and going to salsa clubs. They are so fun!

Do you do anything outside of dance to stay fit (i.e. swimming, biking, etc.)?
I am a certified Pilates and Barre instructor. I teach Barre at a sports club and I use that as a big part of my fitness regimen to keep my body toned. Barre is an innovative style of exercise that fuses the principles of Mat Pilates and ballet. It concentrates on core work, balance, stability, coordination, posture, resistance and flexibility. I love it! I structure my classes so that we work on a couple muscles at the same time, so you leave knowing that you got a total body workout. In addition to doing Barre 4-5 times a week, I mix in cardio by spinning, running and sprinting outside on the beach. I also enjoy playing tennis, kickboxing, hiking and swimming. I love varying my exercise routine and it’s good for my muscles – to keep them guessing too.

Take us through your typical work out. Do you use weights, cardio, flexibility exercises? If so, please describe.
I work out 5-6 days a week, for about 1 ½ hours. I’ll do about 45 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of strength. The plank is my secret weapon!! Planks are amazing to strengthen your back and tone your tummy (as well as shape your arms). Planks can be done on a balance ball, on the floor or at an angle against the wall. Try holding a plank for 2 minutes – I bet you will be shaking!!

What do you eat to stay healthy/maintain energy?
I love to eat! But I’m a VERY healthy eater. I stay away from fried and processed foods. I usually start my day with a veggie omelet, make a green protein smoothie for lunch and grill chicken or salmon for dinner. I like cooking for myself because I like knowing ingredients are in my food. I cook everything from scratch and use pure ingredients. I like to add dark green vegetables in as many places as I can, for the antioxidants.

Talk about the importance of stretching, yoga or Pilates in your workout.
Stretching is extremely important! Most people do not stretch enough. FUN FACT! Did you know that cats are more resilient to injuries because they stretch everyday?? It’s the same for humans! We need to stretch to prevent injuries because when we stretch our muscles are malleable and will not strain your joints or ligaments. Yoga is a great way to stretch. I like to take Power Yoga, to combine the stretching with strength.
Pilates is amazing for posture and body awareness. We are in the digital age where most people are slouched over their computers. When we slouch, our core is unengaged and our back is hunched. Pilates awakens your core muscles and strengthens your back muscles to help you stand/sit up straight.

How do you balance dancing vs. other fitness related activities?
I like to vary my workouts and do both. I like to get a really hard run, or spin class, in to get my heart rate up and make sure that I’m getting a cardiovascular workout. I take dance classes on the weekends, which is a great combination of cardio, strength, coordination and fun! And best of all, my brain gets a workout too!

Who made you aware of the importance of staying fit?
My mother did an amazing job while I was growing up by cooking healthy dinners every night of the week. She made everything from scratch and used fresh ingredients. Her cooking was so yummy and best of all, healthy! I grew up learning that healthy food is really tasty and as a result I cook as often as I can. My father is also very active – which means I grew up taking bike rides around our neighborhood, playing tennis together or going skiing. I learned that exercising is fun, rewarding and a part of life. Thanks mom and dad!! ☺

What do you find a “nutritional snack” during the day? In addition, tell us about your favorite meal to eat that you find healthy for your lifestyle.
I take snacking very seriously! I have to have my snacks. I make sure that I keep around healthy snacks because I love to munch. If I keep around unhealthy snacks, I’ll eat them! A great snack for me is organic fruit. I have such a sweet tooth and need my sweet fix! I snack on grapes, ¬peaches, raspberries, apples, mangos…basically every type of fruit! I also snack on carrots, broccoli and raw almonds for some crunch.
A great healthy meal that I just discovered is Spaghetti Squash with Lean Turkey Ground and Marinara sauce. It is a great substitute if you love pasta…..and so easy to make too!

What advice would you give to Fans about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
Living a healthy life means living an energized life. A healthy lifestyle is just that – a lifestyle. It is a daily way of living your life; it’s not a diet. Surround yourself with other people who share your healthy vision. Most importantly, view healthy meals and time to exercise as a privilege, not a punishment. If you’ve ever wanted to change your lifestyle, start now!

Do you have an everyday helpful, healthy tip for Fans?
a. Eat portions proportional to your height, eat home-cooked meals and snack responsibly.
b. Try to sweat at least 30 minutes a day.
c. Educate yourself in nutrition and exercise.

Jacquelyn Umof

I hope you enjoyed that. I love being able to connect with you over something that I'm so passionate about. Everyday I workout and stretch, and I hope to inspire you to do the same, even if it's just 15 minutes. Live the life of your dreams, and keep your body where your soul lives healthy. Remember that you workout because you love your body, not because you're trying to change it. Please check-in and leave a comment below so I know that you've read it, and let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about.