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How To Avoid Hip Flexor Pain During Ab Exercises

Have you ever been doing an ab exercise and your hip flexors are burning more than your abs? This is a common problem and puts more stress on your already tight hip flexor muscles and takes away from those abdominal gains. As your coach, my goal is to educate you and help you get the most out of your workouts so that you can avoid injury and get the results you want.

Here’s 3 tips on how to avoid hip flexor pain in ab exercises for faster results!

1. Connect With Your Core
The more connected you are to your body the more in control you are. Here is a quick video where I teach you how to activate your core properly so that you can accelerate your results, get the most out of your workout and avoid pain!

2. Slow Down
Moving through an exercise quickly with improper form hurts you more than it helps you. Five slow, strong reps are better than 20 fast, mediocre ones. If you’re doing an ab exercise and feel your hip flexors taking over – slow down. Really think about pulling abs in towards spine, pushing your back against the floor and connecting breath to movement. 

3. Modify
Do not let ego take over! It’s totally okay to put your feet down for extra grounding and support. That’s what’s great about my classes – I always give modifications and show you how you can work up to the advanced version of the pose. It’s called a fitness journey for a reason – it’s not a race. It’s just you vs you. 🙂

Here’s a beginner Pilate abs class for you to learn your body and how to activate the correct muscles:

If you loved this class then I know you will be obsessed with my Barre Definition app. I have a full library of Pilates classes (+ more) for you to choose from (no reformer machine or fancy equipment needed!) Start your risk-free 7 day trial HERE.


Jacquelyn Umof

I hope you enjoyed that. I love being able to connect with you over something that I'm so passionate about. Everyday I workout and stretch, and I hope to inspire you to do the same, even if it's just 15 minutes. Live the life of your dreams, and keep your body where your soul lives healthy. Remember that you workout because you love your body, not because you're trying to change it. Please check-in and leave a comment below so I know that you've read it, and let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about.