Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

Probably not!

Taking the right amount of Vitamin D everyday can have a huge positive effect on our bodies. It’s a simple fix and it’s as easy as swallowing a pill.


1. Increased Fertility: A study in 2010 showed that taking Vitamin D lowers level of Estrogen, and too much estrogen in a women’s body is the start of many problems, like infertility. As said by Dr. Cannell of the Vitamin D Council, “The favorable implications for breast cancer come immediately to mind… I can tell you that lower female hormones sometimes help women in all kinds of ways… I suspect the women also became more fertile.”

2. Prevent Breast Cancer: Check out the results of this study – “In a study of 166 women undergoing treatment for breast cancer, nearly 70 percent had low levels of vitamin D in their blood, according to a study being presented Thursday, Oct. 8, at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Breast Cancer Symposium in San Francisco.” In another study, taking Vitamin D was shown to decrease your chances of getting breast cancer by 50%!! That’s a lot!

3. Stronger Bones: In 2007, researchers found that vitamin D deficient women were 77 percent more likely to suffer a hip fracture.  Giving elderly women vitamin D has been shown to increase life expectancy by 6 percent (two years). Vitamin D deficiency is fortunately a fixable solution!

4. Immune Support: Our bodies are equipped with “killer cells”, which is our immunes defense. Vitamin D plays a role in activating our “killer cells”. These “killer cells” have to first detect and be triggered into taking action in order to kill foreign pathogens, bacterias and viruses. If Vitamin D is lacking in the blood, then the “killer cells” sometimes stay dormant. As you can conclude, Vitamin D deficiency brings on the risk of many viruses.

5.  Avoid Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Vitamin D deficiencies were found to aid in PCOS. PCOS causes infertility, irregular periods, acne, thinning hair, and weight gain. To read more about this click here.

As you can see from the studies above, taking Vitamin D is imperative to a woman’s health. Vitamin D isn’t found in many foods. You won’t get any from plant-based foods unless it’s added to them. Vitamin D is naturally found in oily fish like salmon, but most of the time its added. You can also get Vitamin D from sunshine, but make sure you wear your sunscreen (and there are many variables that affect how much Vitamin D you get from sunlight, like time of day, location, time of year, how cloudy it is, etc. Sitting next to a window will not give you enough sunlight to make vitamin D (I used to think that when I drive, my left arm was a primary receptor of Vitamin D, obviously I was wrong!).

The recommended dose is 1000 IU of D3 for every 25 lbs of weight (per the Vitamin D Council’s recommendation), but before beginning any dietary supplement, please consult with your doctor.

Jacquelyn Umof

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