12 Tips To Staying Trim this Holiday

The Evites and Papperless Post invitations are rolling in. It’s the most joyful yet challenging season of the year. “There will be Eggnog and Rum and tons of food!” ….and you’re thinking….how am I going to stick to my diet?! Then you show up, have a couple of bites, the 1 glass of wine turns into 2-3, then you help yourself to seconds of the “salad” covered in sugary walnuts and help yourself to the “low-fat” eggnog (but that’s just as bad!). GAH! But don’t let that throw you off track! If the aforementioned just happened to you, or sounds like it possibly could happen to you, then just get right back on track. Don’t wait another second. Temptations are everywhere, so learning how to curb your cravings and practice discipline is a skill that needs exactly that – practice. I know, it’s not easy.
I do not advocate completely restricting yourself from all holiday cheer. I DO advocate, however, getting back to your clean routine ASAP to prevent weight gain. Do not let one night of bad eating turn into a season of collecting dust on your gym shoes. Statistics have shown that half of all weight gain happens during the holiday season, and unfortunately that weight gain stays on indefinitely. What to do? Follow my 12 best tried-and-true tips to not let this happen to you. Be unique, and don’t become a statistic! Stay active, sassy, healthy, and in control. 🙂
Screen shot 2010-12-27 at 10.17.35 PM
When I was a Clipper Girl Santa 🙂

Here’s how:

  1. If you slip, get back on track ASAP.
  2. Before going to your party, make sure you get a workout in that day. Studies have shown that if you start your day with a workout, you make better, healhter decisions all day.
  3. If you just had a hefty meal, go for a brisk walk. Invite other people to join you. Not only does this burn the food you just ate, it gets you away from the food, and back in control. There is something about moving that puts your brain in the right mindset.
  4. For desserts, practice portion control with the 3 bite rule: the first is decadent, the second is enjoyable, and the third you’re satisfied and done. This allows you the freedom to try the holiday food, yet still under control.
  5. If you go off the deep end one night, get right back on track the next morning (or that night with a brisk walk!)
  6. Bring your own healthy dish to a potluck to guarantee you have something safe and healthy to eat.
  7. Beware of over sampling during cooking (I have a really hard time with this!) The calories add up, so save the eating for when you’re sitting down and eating a complete meal.
  8. Don’t show up starving to the party. This makes you feel out of control. Eat healthy throughout the day, and by all means do not eat all your calories for the day in one sitting.
  9. Don’t offer to take the leftover cheesecake. If you’re forced into it, don’t feel bad about throwing it away when you get home. It’s better off in the trash than on your thighs.
  10. Practice the DRUM RULE. This is a scientific method created at Tufts University to help curb cravings: Place the thumb and fingers of one hand on your forehand, half inch apart. Tap each finger one at a time, once per second, telling yourself, “Hold on.” Then immediately distract yourself with a task. The craving is gone! (If you’re at a party, I suggest heading to the bathroom to do this!)
  11. Drink lots of water to keep you feeling full and less likely to succumb to seconds. It also flushes excess toxins.
  12. Go for the Peppermint Tea (no sugar or honey added). Peppermint has been shown to aid in digestion.

If you liked these tips, sign up for my newsletter for coupon codes to my upcoming “Sexy in 6” fitness e-book guide coming soon! And leave comments below! 🙂 Happy Holidays!

xoxo, Jacquelyn

Jacquelyn Umof

I hope you enjoyed that. I love being able to connect with you over something that I'm so passionate about. Everyday I workout and stretch, and I hope to inspire you to do the same, even if it's just 15 minutes. Live the life of your dreams, and keep your body where your soul lives healthy. Remember that you workout because you love your body, not because you're trying to change it. Please check-in and leave a comment below so I know that you've read it, and let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Pete

    Awesome tips!

    Re: tip #4, your taste buds are actually controlled by chemical sensors, and research has shown that the sensitivity of your taste buds decreases after the first few bites. Take the time to savor those first few bites where you’ll get the most enjoyment, and then be done with the dessert!

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