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Coconut Covered Date & Nut Balls, Paleo

This is an easy recipe for you to make for your girly wine nights, summer BBQ’s, or Book Clubs! (Which is what I did!) I recently joined a Book Club with a group of my girlfriends and it is so fun. Never did I think I would join a book club and enjoy it! But I do! I’m not much of a fiction reader, so allowing myself to indulge in a good novel once a month is a such a treat. Normally I stick to educational podcasts and business books.

Every member brings a dish, and I brought these delicious date balls that I whipped up in about 30 minutes. Then I let them sit in the freezer while we ate dinner. Check out the books we have read so far in my Amazon shop. So far, I highly recommend Gone Girl, You Before Me, and Wild. 

These are incredibly sweet, all natural, and such a decadent treat. Tastes best if stored in the freezer and eat them immediately after removing. Let me know how you like them 🙂 


Serves 8

A delicious, organic dessert that is made from whole ingredients.

Prep Time: 15 min // Cook Time: 5 min // Total Time: 35 min

2 cups Medjool dates, roughly chopped
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup cashews (salted, chopped)
1 cup roasted almonds (chopped
1/4 cup raw honey
1/4 cup Grade B Maple Syrup
1 cup coconut flakes (unsweetened)
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/4 cup ghee
1 tsp. organic vanilla extract

1. In a saucepan over medium heat, place and mix the dates, raw honey, maple syrup, ghee, beaten eggs, and dash of salt. (The eggs will cook, but I just kept mixing to break up the little egg bits).
2. Once the ingredients begin to boil, take the saucepan off the heat, and add in the vanilla extract. Continue to stir.
3. If you purchased whole-sized nuts, then chop in a food processor or blender. (I have a Breville blender and I just chopped the nuts in the blender, using the “pulse” button, making sure they dont turn into a fine ground).
4. Add nuts to saucepan and stir until all ingredients are mixed.
5. Scoop spoonsfuls out of saucepan and shape into small balls.
6. Cover balls with coconut flakes. (I placed a large mound of coconut flakes on a plate and dipped the balls onto a plate and then onto a baking sheet).
7. Leave in the freezer until hardened.

Enjoy 🙂

Taste best if stored in freezer and eaten immediately after removing.

Jacquelyn Umof

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