6 Steps to Starting a Healthy Diet

Preparing yourself mentally is the most important step in making changes. I’ve recently been hooked on Christmas Crack – i.e. eggnog, peppermint bark, pastries, wine and cheese, crackers, and lots and lots of chocolate. It’s starting show, and worst of all, I’m feeling like crap. My face is inflamed, red, and my acne is coming back. I’m constipated, have upset stomach, and feel nauseous. All of these horrible  symptoms are because of my bad eating! I have only myself to blame!!

As cliche as it is, January is going to be my bio re-boot month, meaning I’m getting my hormones balanced again and cutting all sweets and fruit out to help with sugar cravings. I’m not doing any crazy diets or juice cleanses, I’m just going to eat whole, fresh, foods.

First step: research. I’m starting my reboot with research. I follow the Bulletproof Exec Blog, I have read Tim Ferris’ The Four Hour Body, and I’m reading Practical Paleo – all excellent sources of information on which foods are best for my body (I highly recommend that you do your own research as well!) I’ve been following their blogs and books for a while and I’m going to use January to really put myself on a strict Paleo diet. (I have been eating Paleo all of 2012, but I’ll occasionally “cheat” at special occasions.) I’m going to choose foods that are organic, whole, grain-free, dairy-free, pasture raised, and grass-fed. Whole foods means that the foods are unrefined, fresh, unprocessed, and in it’s most natural state and no alterations have been made. Bad foods are genetically modified, refined, pasteurized, grain-feed, soy-based, and commercial grade. For January, I’m also going to stay away from fruit so that I curb all of my sugar cravings since I have a MAJOR sweet tooth.

Next step: shopping list. A shopping list is so important so that you do not get distracted with other snacks and “specials” at the grocery store. I’m such a snacker and it’s really hard for me to not buy any snacks so my list keeps me focused. For this shopping trip, I’m going to buy enough food that will last me about 5 days. I’ll cook a couple meals that I’ll keep in the fridge and reheat later on in the week. I have found this to be the most efficient way to cook. For example, if you are making a dish for 2 people, up the serving size to 4 or 6 people so that you may eat the meal 2-3 times that week.

Last step: cook. Cooking with a friend, loved one, or roommate makes the process so much more fun. Pick someone to go shopping with you and cook and help each-other out! Yesterday my boyfriend and I prepared 3 meals for this week: Crustless Carrot and Zucchini Egg Quiche (Practical Paleo Recipe), Grass-fed burger stir fry with Zucchini, Cauliflower, and Onions, and a Roasted Chicken that I’ll eat with a spinach and Kale salad topped with EVOO and Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg’s brand). All together I have 6 meals already prepared for the week, and I only had to clean the kitchen once!

Preparation is the key to eating success. I have to know what I’m eating for the week so I do not stray. There are SO MANY temptations that we are faced with, and if we are not prepared with our armor of preparedness, mental stability and clarity, self-descipline, and our promise to ourselves, then we will fall prey to fast-food, snack rooms, and happy hour.

6 Steps to a Healthy Diet:

  1. Research for your body – are you hypoglycemic? overweight? have celiac’s disease? insomnia?
  2. Write down your shopping list
  3. Write down your meals for the week
  4. Tell someone close to you that you are changing your eating habits and ask for their support
  5. Clear out unhealthy snacks and sweets from your pantry and fridge
  6. Get excited about a new healthy you!

Jacquelyn Umof

I hope you enjoyed that. I love being able to connect with you over something that I'm so passionate about. Everyday I workout and stretch, and I hope to inspire you to do the same, even if it's just 15 minutes. Live the life of your dreams, and keep your body where your soul lives healthy. Remember that you workout because you love your body, not because you're trying to change it. Please check-in and leave a comment below so I know that you've read it, and let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about.